Fruit Infused Waters

Fruit Infused Water

You can infuse water by adding any combination of fruits and vegetables to cold, pure, drinking water. Infused water is full of flavor and has no calories, making it a very powerful tool in weight loss and detoxification. Hey and it tastes GREAT!

The benefits of infused water are endless

  • Has an alkaline effect in the body when combined with fruits such as lemons.
  • Removes toxins from your system.
  • Keeps you feeling full thereby preventing overeating.
  • Naturally helps your body release fat cells.
  • Supports clearer skin, stronger hair and nails
  • Boosts your metabolism.
  • Keeps your organs healthy.
  • Reduces muscle fatigue.
  • Helps you recuperate faster from a workout.

Here are some cool recipes to get you started:

#1 – Lemon Water with Mint – Great for detoxing – it’s a classic!

#2 – Apple Cinnamon Water – Also great for detoxing and boosting your metabolism – Oh the taste!

#3 – Mango Ginger Water – Boosts metabolism, a natural pain reliever, helps with menstrual cramps, settles the stomach and helps with acid reflux – you’re welcome!

#4 – Tangerine and Strawberry Infused Water – Tastes great, boosts metabolism, supports immune system, high in Vitamin C.

#5 – Lemon Cucumber Water – The ultimate detox and promotes weight loss. It’s the drink of spas.

The Goal is to Drink More Water!
Let your creative juices flow – pun intended – try your own combination of fruits and herbs to create your own recipes. Make it local with some of your favorite fruits. You can also buy a bottle water infuser from Amazon – I recommend this one. Drink Up! Pass it on or share with a friend by clicking our social links on the left side – Spread The Joy!